

iyuba 爱语吧英语 2024年08月28日 21:48
Black Myth: Wukong has sold an incredible 10 million copies in just three days, developer Game Science has announced.
开发商Game Science宣布,《黑神话:悟空》销量惊人!仅三天售出1000万份。

The action RPG, which is inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West, went on sale on August 20 across PC and PlayStation 5. Now, as of 9pm Beijing time on August 23, Game Science has announced Black Myth: Wukong has already shot through the 10 million sales barrier, with an eye-watering three million concurrent players across all platforms.
这款受中国古典小说《西游记》启发的动作角色扮演游戏于8月20日在PC和PlayStation 5平台上发售。截至北京时间8月23日晚9点,Game Science宣布《黑神话:悟空》销量已突破1000万份大关,所有平台同时在线玩家数量高达300万,令人瞠目结舌。

"Thanks to all players worldwide for your support and love," Game Science tweeted. "Have a great gaming weekend!"
Game Science在推特上发文:“感谢全球玩家的支持和喜爱,祝大家游戏周末愉快!”

To put Black Myth: Wukong's sales success into context, Arrowhead's Helldivers 2 sold 12 million copies in its first 12 weeks to become the fastest-selling PlayStation Studios game of all time. Indeed, Black Myth: Wukong is one of the fastest-selling video games of all time, overtaking the likes of Elden Ring and Hogwarts Legacy within the same timeframe. It's sold so well, it has matched Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which combined sold 10 million copies in three days to become Nintendo's fastest-selling game of all time.
为了说明《黑神话:悟空》的销售成功,我们可以参考Arrowhead的《地狱潜兵2》,该游戏在首12周内售出1200万份,成为有史以来销量最快的PlayStation Studios游戏。事实上,《黑神话:悟空》已成为有史以来销量最快的视频游戏之一,在同一时间段内超越了《艾尔登法环》和《霍格沃茨之遗》等作品。其销量之好,已与《宝可梦 朱/紫》持平,后者在三天内合计售出1000万份,成为任天堂有史以来销量最快的游戏。

On Steam, Black Myth: Wukong broke a number of concurrent player count records. It's the most-played single-player game of all-time on Valve's platform, ahead of CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077, and the second most-played game of any kind on Steam, now behind only battle royale PUBG. Black Myth: Wukong remains the top-selling game on Steam, and player numbers are expected to grow even further as we head into the game's first weekend. (Sony does not make PlayStation player numbers publicly available.)
在Steam平台上,《黑神话:悟空》打破了多项同时在线玩家数纪录。它已成为Valve平台上玩家数量最多的单人游戏,超越了CD Projekt的《赛博朋克2077》,并成为Steam上玩家数量第二多的游戏,仅次于大逃杀游戏《绝地求生》。目前,《黑神话:悟空》仍是Steam上销量最高的游戏,随着游戏发布后首个周末的临近,玩家数量有望进一步增长。(索尼未公开PlayStation玩家数量。)

Black Myth: Wukong is clearly a huge hit globally, but it is particularly popular in China, where it has broken through into the mainstream. Based on Steam concurrents, the majority of the game's players are in China, but there is still a huge audience for Black Myth: Wukong in the west.

In a blog post, Daniel Ahmad, Director of Research and Insights at Niko Partners, said Black Myth: Wukong's sales success "represents the growing capabilities and ambitions of Chinese game development studios and their ability to compete on the global stage."
Niko Partners研究与洞察总监丹尼尔·艾哈迈德在一篇博客文章中表示,《黑神话:悟空》的销售成功“代表了中国游戏开发工作室日益增长的能力和雄心,以及他们在全球舞台上竞争的能力”。

Given Game Science has said Black Myth: Wukong has hit three million concurrent players across all platforms, we can deduce the Steam / PS5 split. Black Myth: Wukong's Steam concurrent peak so far is 2,415,714, which means its PS5 concurrent peak is around 600,000.
鉴于Game Science已表示《黑神话:悟空》在所有平台上的同时在线玩家数已达300万,我们可以推算出Steam和PS5的玩家分布。目前,《黑神话:悟空》在Steam上的同时在线玩家数峰值为2415714人,这意味着其在PS5上的同时在线玩家数峰值约为60万人。

Ahmad tweeted to say Steam "is the leading platform by far due to the large skew towards Chinese players (who primarily play on PC)."

An Xbox Series X and S version was set to launch alongside the other versions, but it was delayed without a new release date. At the time, Game Science pointed to optimization on the Xbox as the reason for the delay.
《黑神话:悟空》原计划与Xbox Series X和S版本一同发布,但已延期,尚未公布新的发行日期。当时,Game Science指出Xbox的优化是延期的原因。
"We are currently optimizing the Xbox Series X/S version to meet our quality standards, so it won't release simultaneously with the other platforms," the developer said. "We apologize for the delay and aim to minimize the wait for Xbox users. We will announce the release date as soon as it meets our quality standards."
开发商表示:“我们目前正在优化Xbox Series X|S版本,以满足我们的质量标准,因此它不会与其他平台同时发布。我们对延期表示歉意,并致力于尽量减少Xbox用户的等待时间。一旦达到我们的质量标准,我们将立即公布发行日期。”

Microsoft released a statement of its own - one it's still pointing to now - that hints at some sort of deal between Game Science and Sony.
微软发布了一份自己的声明(现在仍在强调的声明),暗示Game Science和索尼之间达成了某种交易。

"We're excited for the launch of Black Myth Wukong on Xbox Series X/S and are working with Game Science to bring the game to our platforms," a Microsoft spokesperson said in a statement sent to IGN.
微软发言人在向IGN发表的声明中表示:“我们对《黑神话:悟空》在Xbox Series X/S上的发布感到高兴,并正在与Game Science合作,将这款游戏带到我们的平台上。”

"We can't comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders, but we remain focused on making Xbox the best platform for gamers, and great games are at the center of that."

IGN has reported on a super cool Black Myth: Wukong secret that lets you summon one boss to beat another boss while you basically do nothing, and on how one optional boss encountered very early in the game is absolutely destroying players. While you're here, IGN has plenty more Black Myth: Wukong guides to help you out, including Essential Tips and Tricks, Things Black Myth: Wukong Doesn't Tell You, and our Boss List and Guides.

Meanwhile, developer Game Science has apologized for any tech or performance issues players have encountered since Black Myth: Wukong's record-breaking launch earlier this week, and promised patches are coming.
与此同时,开发商Game Science已就《黑神话:悟空》自本周早些时候创纪录发布以来玩家遇到的任何技术或性能问题表示歉意,并承诺将发布补丁进行修复。

IGN's Black Myth: Wukong review returned an 8/10. We said: "Despite some frustrating technical issues, Black Myth: Wukong is a great action game with fantastic combat, exciting bosses, tantalizing secrets, and a beautiful world."

Also this week, IGN verified an email sent from the Black Myth: Wukong marketing team that told content creators who were granted a Steam key that they must not include "feminist propaganda" or use what are called "trigger words" such as COVID-19 in their coverage.

Game Science has yet to respond to IGN's previous report compiling numerous sexist comments made by the studio's founders and other developers spanning the last decade.
对于IGN之前报道的Game Science创始人和其他开发人员过去十年中发表的众多性别歧视言论,Game Science尚未作出回应。

China on Tuesday accused Canada of protectionism after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government imposed a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching U.S. duties on Chinese EVs.

The Chinese Commerce Ministry said the tariffs would disrupt the stability of global industrial and supply chains, severely impact China-Canada economic and trade ties and damage the interests of enterprises in both countries.

"China is strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposes this," it said in a statement.

"Canada claims it supports free trade and the multilateral trading system based on (World Trade Organization) rules, but it blatantly violated WTO rules and announced it will take unilateral tariff measures by blindly following individual countries. It is typical trade protectionism," it added.

The ministry urged Canada to "immediately correct its wrong practices" and said that Beijing would take any necessary measures to defend the rights and interests of Chinese companies. Canada's announcement came after encouragement by U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan during a meeting with Trudeau and Cabinet ministers on Sunday. Sullivan began his first visit to Beijing on Tuesday.

In May, U.S. President Joe Biden slapped major new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, advanced batteries, solar cells, steel, aluminum and medical equipment.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Tuesday urged Canada to "not politicize economic and trade issues."

"China's burgeoning electric vehicle industry is the result of continuous technological innovation, a well-established industrial and supply chain and full market competition," spokesperson Lin Jian said.

Trudeau said that Canada also would impose a 25% tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum.

One of the Chinese-made EVs imported into Canada is from Tesla, made at the company's Shanghai factory, though the U.S. company could avoid the tariff by switching to supplying Canada from factories in the U.S. or Germany.

Chinese brands aren't yet a player in Canada. However, Chinese EV company BYD established a Canadian corporate entity last spring and has indicated that it intends to try and enter the Canadian market as early as next year.

Chinese firms can sell EVs for as little as $12,000. China's solar cell plants and steel and aluminum mills have enough capacity to meet much of the world's demand. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said that Canada also will launch a 30-day consultation about possible tariffs on Chinese batteries, battery parts, semiconductors, critical minerals, metals and solar panels.


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